Saturday, November 15, 2008
The Plebeians were born out of the crying need for an ideal alternative to the elitist and chronic barbarities of some fraternities and sororities, in one hand, and the inclusive and myopic concerns of academic and religious organizations. Between them is a great gap unabridged of a solution needed to create a haven for a great majority of the students who abhor violence and who represent a class of varied interests.
The Brotherhood of Plebeians, with its adherence to democratic principles and the Libertarian philosophy of unity and diversity bridged this gap.
It started when in 1953, a grandson of Justice Albert died in a brutal fraternity hazing in UP Diliman. The outrage that followed gave impetus in the establishment of an alternative organization.
The first ones to respond successfully to the need were the group of Scholars, and another headed by the late Senator Rene Cayetano, who called themselves PATRICIANS. They banded themselves and called their organization the UP PLEBEIANS. It was formally recognized and registered by the university on 1954.
The organization initially required a GWA of 1.5 for membership and soon attracted the brightest students. However, this membership policy was soon disregarded so as to open the organization to a larger number of student advocates. The organization continued its growth. They expanded with the establishment of the female group or the Sororis Curia alongside the Fratris Curia.
The brotherhood also branched out into several curiae (chapters). UPLB was granted the first autonomous curia on 1964.
The Plebeians became active in campus politics, and majority of them became activists. The organization, because of the nature of its courageous members, was responding naturally – and continues to expand. There was an unprecented growth in membership and establishment of curiae in the universities and colleges across the nation.
During the oppressive years of Martial Law and dictatorship, the Plebeians were severely tested as they bravely marched out of their classrooms to abhor the repressive national state of affairs. With their united call to fight tyranny, the organization became one of the most politicized in colleges and the breeding ground of heroes who paid with their lives the freedom we deserve. This period of history also saw the painful death of the brotherhood as a result of state repression.
In 2001, through the dedication of some members, UPLB Curia was revived and reawakened the ideals of the Kapatiran.
With the encouragement and inspiration of the elder Plebeians, and the noble ideals that gave birth to them, the Plebeians of today are on their way to rekindle the flaming spirit of bravery and nationalism in their hearts, minds and, consciousness, as they reach the stars through difficulties.
posted by uplbplebeians @ 1:34 PM,