Code of Ethics
Tuesday, June 21, 2005
A Plebeian is a gentleman.
A Plebeian respects auhority.
A Plebeian unquestioningly assumes his responsibilities.
A Plebeian's word is as good as his bond.
A Plebeian is a nationalist dedicated to his home, country and people.
A Plebeian does not fail as a citizen and as a man.
A Plebeian uphold s seniority and is ever loyal to the Brotherhood of the Plebeians.
posted by uplbplebeians @ 6:26 PM,
- At 1:23 AM, elias said...
i cannot believe that an organization that believes in the principles of true democracy believes in the so-called "seniority". is that really possible?
- At 1:24 AM, elias said...
i wish to be know more about this...